Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Tantrums of a senile la-ire

Ram Jethmalani is at it again this time he will be the defense counsel for Manu Sharma. This guy just does not stop amazing me. He has already acted as defense counsel (sometimes successfully) for people like Hinduja Bros in the Bofors scam case, Harshad Mehta and Ketan Pareekh in the stock scam, the assassins of Indira Gandhi and scores of other high profile criminals. What is it that drives him to pick up some of the most clear cut cases of convictions? Does he get vulgar kicks out of defending a criminal successfully? The pleasure being all the more when he knows for sure that the person has broken the law. I think the guy has serious problems. As the Americans say every personality disorder can be traced to a traumatic childhood. I think this guy had a tough time as a kid, was held responsible for all the pranks in school, neighborhood, at home, in the play ground. Spanked hard made to sit in the corners, grounded at home...Any punishment that you can think of this guy has seen it all. That's one of the reasons I can think of which explains his obsessive compulsive desire to defend murderers, gangsters, smugglers, scamsters etc.

You know what i have a sneaking feeling that this guy will also defend Santosh Singh in the Supreme Court. May the force not be with him this time around.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In fact i think he has already taken up Santosh Singh's case..

But I think Jethmalani has a valid job.

Hanging (killing) someone is a very big (and irreversible) decision for any society. It is best that the condemned person be given a good chance to prove his/her innocence. This way we can be sure that person is not going to hang without having committed rarest of rare crimes.

Good lawyers like Jathmalani are the condemn person's "good chance". We should encourage such people, otherwise innocents may die in Society's (your and my) name.

Personally i think the worst kind of offenders should be put in a jail with really offensive inmates and made to suffer.

12:38 AM  
Blogger Kholu said...

well baawara my thinking is that we can do away with ppl like Jethmalani. Why does he always take up the cases of rich and famous...why not someone poor accused wrongly of a murder in a far off place. And as far as innocents dying in society's name goes i guess we should be looking at it from a larger good point of view. In a country like ours where ppl can bend the law every which way possible i guess the rule of law should be stringent and the voice of judiciary final. Even if a few innocents hang/imprisoned i guess i will accept that rather than let any criminal go scot free.

1:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bull rider...

Wonder if you would feel the same way if that unfortunate innocent happens to be in your circle of family/friends or maybe you ?


9:10 PM  
Blogger Kholu said...


i think it would be hard to live with it...but i also feel that if you make no trouble u will not get into trouble.

9:40 PM  

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